Gentleman - Rachelle and Natasha are smokin' but may I introduce you to Nicky Whelan?!
We need to get her into the UFC to really push the ring card engineering to the next level! She should start compiling a resume now with her credentials for walking in tight left circles. Blue, please?
Shit, how am I supposed to think about work?!?!
R0CK0 - she's def hot but there are hotter everyday girls
whoa whoa whoa...
are you trying to say that natasha wicks might not be the hottest person on the face of the earth?
EatonBeever - you guys do know she became a hooker in vegas after fired from UFC, right ?
And you know that how?
he has receipts.
Tom Lawlor -Ensanity -EatonBeever - you guys do know she became a hooker in vegas after fired from UFC, right ?Really? I know she was a model for BSN shortly after. She was hella cool when I met her.
Isn't she from Vegas originally?
and I hung out with her in a group of people after UFC 139 for a few days and I'd be surprised if she is a hooker...although I've never hung out with hookers at all sooo
Is Kingsbury smashing that? If so, I truly envy that Couture looking motherfucker.
Natasha Wicks is nicer looking than Arianny imo ...... Arianny is too fake looking compared to Wicks and is way sexier too. She's a definite 10!!
Like Natasha Wicks, I too have Camel Toe.
It's kinda a good conversation opener(at least at the apt complex pool summer time.
"So, you ever met a guy with a Camel Toe? Points to toe" "Oh my god that's so funny"
"what's your name....."
Anybody saying she's anything less than a 10/10 better not have been calling Miesha tate an 8/10. Fa reals.
R0CK0 - she's def hot but there are hotter everyday girls
hottest ring girl ever imo
Oh how I wish we had phonecams and shit when I was in high school/college. Game changer.
arianny wasn't too upset when nayasha got cut....
Xad - Arianny hates Natasha. She hinted at it on the MMAhour by impersonating Wicks. At least i think she was impersonating Natasha, unless the UFC once hired a cat that i missed?
She definitely showed the most personality of any ring girl, pity they sacked her.
i thought that she was talking about kerri kasem. i remember her horrible in cage interview "submission punch submission punch, that was awesome"
crowbar - Something just tells me that she would probably be the funnest to have as a girlfriend out of all of the ring girls.
funnest? You think she gives up the balloon knot?
slamming - 2nd pic was taken purely to show of how good her tits look in that bra.
Natasha is cool like that.
Thats pretty awesome
I personally don`t think that the UFC uses ANY ring girls that have not or will not show the titties.Natasha included.Once she is in love....that turd tunnel is there for the taking.
Best looking ring card girl, by far, imo. Perfect body type for me and just naturally gorgeous! Seems like she would have great personality, too.
What's all the unsubstantiated stuff about being an escort??