Does anyone think giving the finger is tough or street or anything else? Little kids do it. It's on the level of saying poo-poo. I'm so embarrassed for him when he does it. He looks like such a little kid.
This will not end well for you.
Ever been cut off in traffic?
ChaosOverkill -Ever been cut off in traffic?
i found some of his behavior to be really stupid in his fight last night....
when he did his whole arms out "let's fight" thing, he got knocked on his butt by a Henderson jab.
when he flipped Hnerson off on the ground, it was simply stupid, as he should have expended that effort in winning instead.
it's one thing in pre-fight posturing when they can't fight, but if you're literally in the middle of a fight and you have to taunt someone or flip them off, then you have some serious personality issues...
ChaosOverkill -
Ever been cut off in traffic?
Excellent point!
But wait, over the hundreds (probably low thousands) of UFC fights how many times has a fighter flipped off another? Not very many I'd bet.
In pro sports it does happen on occasion and the offending player is typically fined and/or suspended. But it's not typical. And there are plenty of pro sports being played all year long.
Point being, if you're suggesting it's okay for Nate because people do it when driving, it's kind of apples to oranges no? How about comparing his actions to other pro athletes? In which case, he's part of a relatively small minority.
Immature, classless, hot-headed, poor sportsman, spontaneous brain cramp, call whatever you want, but defending it in any way is pretty weak.
actually i dont blame Diaz for giving Benson the finger as that the most offense he could seem to mount..
Nate is a complicated man.
Casually dropped a literary reference during a heated TUF 5 incident.
That is style, my friends. Real style.
Meh it's understandable as he was obviously frustrated.
It's a wimpy little boy move.
StretchPlum - Does anyone think giving the finger is tough or street or anything else? Little kids do it. It's on the level of saying poo-poo. I'm so embarrassed for him when he does it. He looks like such a little kid.
Stretch...did you really think this one thru?
That fight was some serious man vs boy shit
It's my reaction to seeing him do something pimply nerds do in middle school. Why do you ask?
StretchPlum - It's my reaction to seeing him do something pimply nerds do in middle school. Why do you ask?
I realize that's half the audience.