New 'Ban the UFC' article (Guardian)

Get a load of this pussy :)

In all seriousness its a shame to see the Guardian running with an article like this. In the last couple of years its reported reasonably well on the sport. Phone Post 3.0

In related news...


Guardian Media Group hit with record £173m loss

Easy to absorb a little loss each year when your owners use offshore tax havens so can easily finance their vanity project newspaper where the bloggers posing as journos can moan about other people using offshore tax havens. Phone Post 3.0

Not a surprise, coming from that pinko commie rag Phone Post 3.0

Op, could you copy and paste the article here please?
That way we can all read it without giving them the clicks or views they are wanting. Phone Post 3.0

The comments section is good for a laugh at least.

Guardian readers are pathetic. Phone Post 3.0