New BJJ gis up for sale

I just posted a couple gis up for sale cheap on eBay. Bought them when I was in a phase and bought about 5 gis, only actually using 2 of them. Taking a loss on them but need the room. Phone Post

What size and how cheap broski? Just started doing gi bjj and need one lol Phone Post

Follow the yellow brick road and read the links to learn all the knowledge that you seek. Phone Post

They are both A4 but the bad boy gi fits more like an A3 I think. Phone Post

I might be able to fit an a3 idk though. Phone Post

But an a4 will probable drown me lol Phone Post

Probably. Damn it. Phone Post

The bad boy gi would fit a short, thicker person well. I would think someone who was 5'10, 210 or so would fit perfect. But I dunno I'm 6'2 and a lanky 185. Phone Post

6'0 135 lol Phone Post