*NEW* UFC 82 Dan Henderson VIDEO


Spyware > me


No offense but my computer just went nuts. You have some serious spyware on the site. Might want to have you're web admin check it out. Anyways, heres the vid:

Dude, where is the spyware?  I get ZERO POPS, none... I don;t get this.  Show me where a virus scanner says VIRUS.... screenshot it please.

I feel sorry for the fighters who get trapped by such horrible interviewers.

Ban Fedorfan , at least stop him from linking directly to a site with spyware all over it. Hes just tryin to get people fired from work eh?

Hes a big frustration, just paste the interview into your post man, maybe include a link at the bottom. Also why can u not post back on a thread, only start a thread when u have an article to advertise?

FedorFan you fucking douchebag why do you keep linking that shitty website when all you do is piss people off with your spyware infested bullshit!?

And the worst part is you try and post your bullshit like its news but your always 4-5 days late!


ttt, no spyware, 100% promise.

Dude, It's just a video interview I wanted to let you all look at, what's the big deal... some of you are really rude a-holes while most are real cool...

fuck, my comp just shut down from all that spyware. Someone ban this asshole

fuck you fedorfan and your shitty website!


