New website, new content...

 Happy New Years Everyone! This is just a short post to let you know I finished my new website and have loaded all of the new content onto it. You can view it here:

Enjoy..........but please don't break my server on all those new videos now!

Have a great day,

Roy Harris

Harris International



Awesome new website!

^^^You must not know Susan :) haven't met Susan ;-)


Susan must be awesome. Hopefully I'll get to meet her in a couple of days. The website is now one of my favorites; cool videos, interesting testimonials and I'm sure there's a lot more coming. I have a feeling 2009 is going to be great!


Wow Roy. I checked your prices, and was amazed at how affordable your school is, especially considering all the instruction and different arts you offer.


Susan IS awesome! She's a great person with a kind and soft heart. But just like everyone else, she has buttons that can be pushed.

Several years ago, an aggressive male student kept punching and kicking her hard. Why? I don't know, but he kept doing this. Seeing how she was timid to say anything, I said something. I asked the guy to stop kicking so hard. He kind of blew me off and kept doing his thing.

After having a chat in my office with Susan, I told her to step up to the plate and give this guy a lesson. So, the next class turned out to be an interesting one.

When this guy kicked her hard, she said something to him. He blew her off and kept kicking her hard. Finally, Susan had had enough! She kicked him SQUARE IN THE YAH YAHS and dropped him cold! After recovering from the fetal position, I could tell the guy was pissed. So, I stepped in and sparred with him. I kicked him hard, on the thigh, until he asked me to stop kicking him so hard.

When the rounds of sparring had ended, I pulled this guy into my office and had a chat with him. I told him, "The students who train at my academy are my family. I worked long and hard to get this family. I asked you to stop kicking so hard. Susan asked you to stop kicking her so hard. You wouldn't listen so Susan decided to stop you cold. You got an attitude and thought you were going to pay Susan back. That's why I stepped in and gave you a dose of your own medicine."

"Now, you have a choice. You can join my family and do what I have asked of you, or, you can leave. I don't care to hear your reasoning on why you kick like you do. All I need to hear from you is that you will do what I have asked you to do."

This guy felt the need to verbally defend himself. So, I gave him his money back, shook his hand and asked him to leave. I told him I didn't need his money or his attitude at my academy! He left and never came back.

Since that time, Susan has dropped several more guys! Accidentally, she has dropped me two or three times ; )  She has earned MUCH respect at my academy!

So, when you see her at my academy, do me a favor and say, "Hi Susan. I've heard all about your ability to DROP guys into the fetal position!"



Harris Academy

P.S. 2009 IS going to be a great year! I'm going to do a few things I have never done before. I'm anxious to see the results!

Also, for those of us who have only been exposed to your BJJ it was nice to have those videos to give a taste/flavor/glimpse of the other arts you have trained in and teach.

^^^The training he does in other styles is JUST AS RICH and detailed. I think a lot of people miss that.

Roy, today was the first day I trained in my new Savate Shoes. WOW! These things are amazing! I was blown away by a couple things I didn't expect:

1) The strength of the toe. I threw FULL POWER fouettes into my banana bags and didn't feel a thing. AWESOME.

2) The ouch factor. I was being REALLY really delicate with my partners when I made contact, but these things have an amazing ability to make people wince.

3) The sole shape. It feels like my latin dance shoes (which have a 2-inch heel) in that it pushes me onto my toes. It feels ridiculous to put my heels down--like walking on land wearing flippers.

4) The rearward ankle support. I can't extend my foot, so I must hit with the toe. Also, because I'm pushed onto the ball of my foot, this forces my knees to bend into proper structure.

3 & 4 really surprised me. How did I live without these shoes? :)



Thank you for your kind words about the other arts! Many people MISS that point.

With regard to your new Savate shoes, you make me wanna put mine on! I remember when I first got mine, I wore them almost every class! Plus, I remember falling in love with the fouette all over again!!!


 Yes, Roy's instruction in other arts/styles is just as mind-blowing as his Jiu-jitsu seminars.

Okay, you guys are making me jealous, now.  I'm going to have to get some Savate shoes before 2009 is out!