Rich is in for a long night. Ken is better than he gets credit for and will prove it soon. Keep counting him out; he'll make believers out of you guys soon.
I remember the concensus being that he couldn't beat Kimo a while back, too...
Rich is in for a long night. Ken is better than he gets credit for and will prove it soon. Keep counting him out; he'll make believers out of you guys soon.
I remember the concensus being that he couldn't beat Kimo a while back, too...
Good, go bet on Ken, then. I'm sure he'd offer a nice return on your investment.
Reality Check: Tito Ortiz, who has the WORST stand-up of any major light heavyweight, turned Ken's face into oatmeal. Ken hasn't beaten a ranked opponent since Severn in 1995. Get real.
Are you 100% sure?
"Tito Ortiz, who has the WORST stand-up of any major light heavyweight, turned Ken's face into oatmeal."
And Ken's inability to move laterally had no bearing on that??? Did you watch the Kimo fight. Have you seen how his game has improved? Do you think Rich can keep Ken standing up even if his standup turns out to be vastly superior? Get real.
No C hurrle, an obvious dork like RoughDraft wouldn't acknowledge and or understand what fighting without an ACL would be like. These types think they have some sort of scoop by pointing out the holes in the game of a legend like Ken Shamrock. This is pretty easy to do. Why don't we show a little appreciation to a guy that has been giving to this sport, before goofs like RoughDraft even realized there was a sport.
I think Ken will surprise a lot of people, not saying he's going to win for sure, but he'll definitely be over-powering Franklin.
do NOT count franklin out. ever. regardless of opponent
Ken just keeps stepping up, time after time, you have to respect that.
News flash: Rich can and WILL knock Ken out!
I would never count Shamrock out, and he's a stud for stepping up to Franklin. But you have to see him as an underdog.
Yep, big underdog in my opinion..
Can't you guys ever just sit back and enjoy a fight without overanalyzing the hell out of it before and after?
rich ko'd tanner at 205. ken didnt pick this fight, he just said yes
TTT for the stunning analysis of C Hurrle.
C Hurrle,
Did you really name your son Evan Tanner Hurrle?
I cannot believe longtime fans still make predictions like this.
Of course anything can happen in a MMA fight but to think that Ken should beat a fighter like Franklin at this point in their careers is silly.
I don't remember the UG consensus being that Kimo would beat Ken either.
I thought most people figured it the other way around.
Shamrock has not been at the level top guys for many years now.
His fight against Don Frye was proof of that. (another guy who never was that great and should never step in the ring with top guys ever again)
The post should've read with great accuracy:
"Ken can and WILL trip over his own feet!"