Next UFC iran part 8 at 2009/10/30

iranian Ultimate fighting Championship

part 8 at 2009/10/30

hamedan city _iran country

 Next UFC iran part 8 at 2009/10/30

iranian Fighters photo at this page

Name :  Behrooze

   Last Name : bayyat

Age :  24

wiegh : 69 kg

high :  175 cm

city : Hamedan

country : iran

MMA records :

Video :




Name : Ehsan

Last Name :mohammadei dana

State : Kermanshah

MMA records : 0_0_0

IUFC records : 0_0_0



Ali dehghani sheeva

mobile : 00989188170161 

Behrooze Bayyat is a young up and comer with unlimited potential.

Squared Circle - Behrooze Bayyat is a young up and comer with unlimited potential.

he now have 24 years old !!!!

 Who do I contact for press credentials?

Knux -  Who do I contact for press credentials?

please more explain

I felt a palpable ripple of excitement go through the room.

U4EA - I felt a palpable ripple of excitement go through the room.


ttt for Dehghani!

 Epstein, go out and get signed by someone and fight already.  You are sitting in the house too much every day hating on people trying to better themselves.  Hillary, Dehghani.  Give it a rest already.