Nick Diaz gets revenge on rampage jackson

Was that Nick talking in the interview?

Nick needs to stop dating skanks.

Love it… most underrated resource in the UFC

lol thanks 

ShootProod - Nick has told us a thousand times that he doesn't drink. He must be holding that bottle for a friend.

New nick drinks. Said Ronda made him start

I’ll bet the original story is true, that is funny though

So fake but funny. They are having fun. Nick knows Rampage would destroy him.

Not real but funny 


Rampage is one huge mofo haha 260 fosho

real lame

Nicks always in Vegas partying it up. I know the guy that gets him into the clubs and everything. Who is a huge MMA fan himself and introduced me to Lima and Bigfoot. He's in good hands but damn he fucking loves Vegas.

Regardless it's funny to see Rampage use proper vocabulary. Makes me think it's a joke on Rampage.