Nick Diaz training pics

knockoutfighter -
Floppy Divac -

Still no fight lined up? 

No, but he definitely looks like he’s training for a comeback.  If he does it will probably around Feb or March, imo. 

I hope you're right. Until then, this just looks like an ongoing glamor shoot to me.

Been to long. Drugs and booze has done it’s damage. It’s one thing to get in beach shape. Another thing to fight in the UFC. Nick would get starched by anyone in the top 50.

It will never happen. And that’s a good thing.

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goldenboyart - Been to long. Drugs and booze has done it's damage. It's one thing to get in beach shape. Another thing to fight in the UFC. Nick would get starched by anyone in the top 50.

It will never happen. And that’s a good thing.

So low post trolls have now infiltrated the UG too? 

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TFK_UGCTT_Sk1tzO420 -
goldenboyart - Been to long. Drugs and booze has done it's damage. It's one thing to get in beach shape. Another thing to fight in the UFC. Nick would get starched by anyone in the top 50.

It will never happen. And that’s a good thing.

So low post trolls have now infiltrated the UG too? 

No, you faggots are getting way conspiratarded about that shit. goldenboyart has been posting here throughout. 

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Floppy Divac -
TFK_UGCTT_Sk1tzO420 -
goldenboyart - Been to long. Drugs and booze has done it's damage. It's one thing to get in beach shape. Another thing to fight in the UFC. Nick would get starched by anyone in the top 50.

It will never happen. And that’s a good thing.

So low post trolls have now infiltrated the UG too? 

No, you faggots are getting way conspiratarded about that shit. goldenboyart has been posting here throughout. 

1) it’s not a conspiracy if it’s true with proof. 


2) Just because he has been posting here throughout doesn’t mean he’s right. 

One year later here we are!


WTF like 75% of the photos posted in here didn’t transfer over.

I’m pulling for Nick. Hope he can pull it off.




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This forum is fucking retarded.Some pics only last a week and then they are gone.I’ve lost at least a 100 of them since the change over.I know that Tinypic is gone & pictures on Imgur last a little longer.

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I only use the app to share photos, well at least since that was an option. So all of the photos on this thread were posted the same way.

I noticed it on a couple other threads some images wouldn’t load, but yeah there’s a ton.

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You get this or a square box with a symbol in it or the whole picture just disappears.I wanna ask Chris about it.

I just tried to paste on old URL address from this thread and it won’t let me.

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That is Nick? Wow I’ve never seen that photo and I used to have a ton of old ones saved!

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Got it from Sherdog.

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