No Gi Submission Grappling Tournament!!


No Gi Submission Grappling Tournament!!  


FC Fitness Academy Presents: Mid-West Grappling Championship. Grappling has gained so much popularity in the last 5 years, this is just what the Mid-west needs. The tournament will take place Sunday, December 11th , 2011, at the WCA in Waterford Michigan. The Mid-West has some of the best Grappling Competitors in the country. The MWGC No Gi submission-grappling tournament will be held with numerous divisions and age groups. This will be a very exciting weekend full of action and competition.

Michigan provides a great location to many of the surrounding states that are starving for a nice format to compete in and because of this; we look for this tournament to be very successful. We already have teams confirmed from all over the Mid-West and we are receiving some tremendous interest from teams in Canada as well. We look for momentum to increase as the word gets out. we are sure this tournament will be very successful for all who participate.

Pre-registration will open Next Week, and we encourage individuals to get their forms in as soon as possible. This will not only help the tournament run smoother, but will also give those who pre-register a discount. The pre-registration deadline is December 8th, 2011

No-Gi Divisions are available for Men, Women, Teens, and Children. Beautiful awards will be presented to the winners, look for more information regarding prize money and sponsorship to come soon!

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