Groundbreaking No-Gi series based on weekly lessons. Brigadeiro is a walking catalogue of effective no-gi submissions from every and any angle!
This series is great for any grapplers and MMA fighters.
Relatively unknown to the MMA world Briga has a long history of excellence in No-Gi
"Marcelo Brigadeiro is a Luta Livre (Submission-Wrestling) Black Belt. Many times champion of the best submission-wrestling tournaments, he is the only fighter who won three times the Brazilian National Championship of Submission, and seven times the Rio de Janeiro State Championship of Submission (the hardest submission tournament in Brazil). Known by his amazing techniques on the ground, Brigadeiro is a member of RFT team."
Well recomended series, I took moves from the very first lesson into training the next day and was submittin people with them...
Check out the vid from a previous lesson.
Each lesson is roughly 45mins long
Available on