rich "no love" clementi is making a hell of a come back, he has the size ,strength,skills, experience to be the champ of the lightweight devision. thats all im posting. just let me go ahead and reply to anyone who douts this. "just sit back and watch rich walk through edwards, uno, and hansen this year. everyone forgot about him while he was out with his injury but hes on a path of destruction, lightweights better watch out."



Boy I'm glad I caught this tread early. I dont think anyone in the lightweight division is going to walk thru anyone. Thats why I think its the best division in the sport. It goes like 20 to 30 guys deep. What other division has that type of competition? There was talk of a me and Yves rematch but that is off as of now and I am currentlly in negotations with a premier organization on fighting Hansen. I've really improved alot since my injury and hopfully the fans will be able to tell.

Good luck, Rich.

TTT for Rich and A talent

TTT For Rich......train hard, Hansen is a bad mutha

well he has won 9 straight. But for sure the lightweights are the deepest and most exciting guys on the planet, and Clementi is definitely among the very best out there.

No Love back to fighting and being healthy is a GREAT thing.


woot woot for no love