No More 39.95

I don't post much, but the UFC stated they weren't going to charge 39.95 for every UFC. If they're gonna stiff me, fine, then they should have held to that ground.

But they said otherwise. Probably because they figure we're lazy, dumb consumers with short memories and wont complain. I have purchased almost every UFC to date since 2003 (and at random back to UFC 4). I'm not paying that kind of money for another shit card like UFC 61.

I'll still follow them, but if every card is going to cost that much, and that's what they are going to show me for my money then I'll have to look elsewhere.

so since my name is Mato, I am curious as to whom you might be....


Matt Adcock.

My coach Trevor called me Mato for whatever reason and he was the one who showed me this chat forum so I figured it fit well enough.

cool just checking, my name does not come from the spanish version but in spanish Mato means I kill


Fucking awesome!