I am pretty surprised Reebok hasn't forced the UFC to have their fighters where gloves with a reebok logo on them, or Reebok manufactured gloves.
New gloves, could be the upside to the whole reebok deal if it forced the UFC to go with a re-designed glove that resulted in less eye pokes.<br />
One thing that I do appreciate about bellator os the fighters wearing blue/red gloves. It would be easier for the UFC to distinguish fighters given that they must all wear the same black/white shorts.
For the safety of the fighters, please no.
I think it could result in more safety for fighters if the UFC had control over the design they could finally design something that doesnt lead to eye pokes as easily...
Slap a rebok logo on it and there you go.
Can't wait for Reebok "MAA Golves".
stevekt - Can't wait for Reebok "MAA Golves".LO freakin L
Jesus fuck do not even entertain that idea. Gonna have a roster composed of sliced up blind fighters.
frederic - For the safety of the fighters, please no..