NO SKID on feet for fights

What do people think about spraying NO SKID on feet before a fight?

I have had this sprayed on my feet before a fight and it works. I now spray it on my fighters when I work their corner and it works.

The reason I ask is because one of my fighter's opponents complained and said that it may work for the one wearing the spray but the one that isn't will slip anywhere the NO SKID was.

I told the sob to go buy some and quit his bitching.

He also said it irritated his eyes. I told him not to get kicked in the face.

never heard of it. Where do you get it?


If it affects the other fighter AT ALL, then its got to be cheating.

Adding a substance to the bottom of the feet, does the p[romoter condone it?

The boxing commission allows it. And the promoter allows it aswell.

You can buy this at almost any sports store.

Some fighters in the UFC, Pride, KOTC, ROF, NAGA, and others use this so they can have better traction.

One thing that they do not allow are oitments like Bengay, icyhot, and other pain ointments such as tigerbalm.

PINE TAR... arrr