NOGI Facts

When names fall into common useage you can actually lose the TM. That is what happened to "velcro" and "zipper" for example.

You don't want your brand to become the name of the actual product some times.

Didn't Chris have this same issue with the TM of "Next Generation"?

Scott Spain / Redneck / AdrenalineJunky: Sorry for not being specific. The TM is for NOGI in regard to clothing.

Adrenaline: Like we said before: If anyone wants the TM #, just e-mail: info@nogiindustries.

Jump Kick: Thanks for the support and info:)

NO GI check your pm's

ABF: nothing there. Try e-mail:


Thanks for the words Dan



Nogi Industries/Hit-Man

email sent

"A. Do we commit thievery? We say, "Thou shalt not steal" and imply that we don’t do that, but do we? Just because we don’t walk into Belk’s at gunpoint and demand a Polo wardrobe doesn’t mean that we are free and clear of this "procedure." We steal from God when we fail to give Him His rightful place in our lives. We steal from our employer when we don’t give him our best. We steal from our parents and from God when as kids we don’t do our very best in school and we waste time on other things. We steal if we sell something for more than it is worth. We steal when we borrow something and don’t return it. We steal when we charge to our credit cards and don’t pay it back—with the interest that we have agreed to. We steal from God and from ourselves when we waste our time, talents and money. "


That is sentimentality, and as such is true for any given person to the extent that they are sentimental.

The contradiction is here:

"We steal from ourselves when we fail to think critically, or when we allow power to have its way with us simply because it exists, and wishes to exploit us."

In other words, nothing is as simple as an aphorism, or the type of person who lives by them.

Guys get your hats in order make sure they are flex fit.

I found it odd that Elvis was wearing a gi top with numerous NoGi patches on it in Bushido 7.

On a side note their board shorts are top notch, i highly recommend them. I've been abusing them since they started and they still look new.

this reminds me of the movie 'the corporation' where they mention that some company patented 'happy birthday to you' so any commercial or movie playing that song must pay the company 10 grand or something.

I am not an intellectual property rights lawyer, or IP anything for that matter, but it's my lay-persons understanding TM is just what you put on a brand to show you are using it for that purpose. It does not indicate Registration of a Trademark, which is a complex legal process during which time publication and possible contestation might take place. Registered Trademarks are typically shown with (R), not TM.

One of the criteria is 'distinction', you typically need a word that uniquely identifies you within the area you attest to be operating.

Kimono is not distinct for a Gi company, but could be for a car company (Honda Kimono, for example), since it doesn't have any general meaning in that industry.

It's also my understanding you can register trademarks for brand names as well as logos.