After reading this thread, the psoriasis and bjj thread, and the arthritis and bjj thread, I think I just convinced myself to quit training.
I don't need to be able to choke a mythical attacker this badly. I already have a purple belt and a bad back, time to call it a wrap.
AllAmericana - After reading this thread, the psoriasis and bjj thread, and the arthritis and bjj thread, I think I just convinced myself to quit training.I'm 30 and will give it a hard 5 years and hopefully retire without injury. Seems like a ton of guys get broken down. I also train in MMA and might fight a few more times. Hopefully nothing bad happens. I love it too much to quit now while I still have some prime athletic years.
I don't need to be able to choke a mythical attacker this badly. I already have a purple belt and a bad back, time to call it a wrap.
there's a reason all pro athletes are on one or the other or both.
I dont need to choke a mythical attacker either.
Self defense is actually not on my list of priorities in training.
I just fucking love it.
Number two sounds like you have a rib out of place.
You'd get sore if you just sat on your ass for ten years too, so might as well be sore and have a black belt too.
Have not been on the mats for close to year
When I was training I was sore after every class
The worst and only chronic injury I had was neck pain do to cervical herniated discs
Other nagging injuries that hurt at one time or another
Ribs were always sore
Wrists were sore
Hurt my knee once and it swelled up
Bunch of scrapes/cuts
Ring worm
Now that I have not trained my body feels much better and I ask myself is it worth it to return?
I am a hobbyist purple who trained 2-3 days a week.
I miss it like crazy!
BJJ + Yoga = Yin + Yang
Flexibility is key to athletic longevity!Namaste I'm 57 will die in a Gi!I've been a gym rat all my life,played hoops 52 years,HS/College.Martial arts 30 plus years!I will stop when my body says NO MAS!HFD
672 - Flexibility is key to athletic longevity!Namaste I'm 57 will die in a Gi!I've been a gym rat all my life,played hoops 52 years,HS/College.Martial arts 30 plus years!I will stop when my body says NO MAS!HFDVU