Yea, I'm a Big Ben Askren fan and I was pretty disgusted with how Zuffa handled it. How many reasons have they given for not signing him? I remember hearing 3 different reasons from Dana.
CLINT NJHC - As much as I haven't enjoyed his fights I love his personality, he's very Sonnen-esque. Agree with OP 100%.
When was the last fight of his you saw?
I haven't watched since Bellator, I heard they've been better fights but haven't gone out of my way to watch.
He's finished his last 4 or 5 fights I believe, and he's basically bitch slapped everyone.. His grappling is extremely dominant, so anyone that thinks he's boring has been reading the bullcrap and not watching for themselves.. Next time he fights, give him a chance.. U won't be disappointed
^ Yup I'm sure this is true, I've heard lots of good things and expected him to come into his own being with Roufus for a while now. Will check them out one day.
It comes down to Bellator/rebney and Askrin trying to bully and challenge the ufc into signing Askren. Askren is talking smack about BLAF and the UFC and they simply won't be told what to do. And Dana made as good point. If Bellator doesn't want their champ and let's him go, why would the UFC want him?
CountMarkula - It comes down to Bellator/rebney and Askrin trying to bully and challenge the ufc into signing Askren. Askren is talking smack about BLAF and the UFC and they simply won't be told what to do. And Dana made as good point. If Bellator doesn't want their champ and let's him go, why would the UFC want him?
CountMarkula - It comes down to Bellator/rebney and Askrin trying to bully and challenge the ufc into signing Askren. Askren is talking smack about BLAF and the UFC and they simply won't be told what to do. And Dana made as good point. If Bellator doesn't want their champ and let's him go, why would the UFC want him?
Dana and Tito were literally about to box eachother at one point, and they still managed to work together. You think Ben "talking smack" was a legitimate roadblock in their negotiations?
CountMarkula - It comes down to Bellator/rebney and Askrin trying to bully and challenge the ufc into signing Askren. Askren is talking smack about BLAF and the UFC and they simply won't be told what to do. And Dana made as good point. If Bellator doesn't want their champ and let's him go, why would the UFC want him?
"is the biggest blunder the UFC have made in years. "
I think it's lame that they didn't sign him, but I find the UG outrage hilarious. This is a forum that, every time Fitch or Shields would fight, would say "that's my cue to make a beer run". This is the same forum where seemingly a majority do not appreciate the fights of Bendo or Edgar.