NSAC Contact Info - Email Them Your Thoughts

Let's all send a few hundred emails to the NSAC to let them know how the general public feels about Nick Diaz's suspension.

The email address for the NSAC is boxing@boxing.nv.gov


Morpheus1976 - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CO5Pc93W8AQaA7t.png

Thank you!

TTT Phone Post 3.0

I sent the following:


I am writing to you in regards to the Nick Diaz suspension of 5 years.

What a mockey and embarrassment that was watching the hearing. I do not know why you even bother having a hearing, because it is clear you do not consider any evidence or facts. You act as judge, jury and executioner.

Bottom line is you are a bunch of inept and incompetent crooks!

I hope Nick Diaz takes this to a higher court and has it overturned. There is absolutely no doubt he would have it overruled.


Thank you guys for keeping this thread growing.

I just wrote the following:

"Hello NSAC,

I am emailing you today regarding the suspension of UFC fighter Nick Diaz.

Myself and thousands of others feel that the penalty imposed upon him was unjust and extreme. Diaz's opponent Anderson Silva was caught using performance enhancing drugs and only suspended for one year. Other fighters who have been caught with steroids in their system have also been suspended for one year and some have even had their sentences reduced such as was the case of James Toney.

The message that Diaz's sentence sends to the combat world and its audience is that the NSAC does not have a clear idea of what performance enhancing drugs are and also that it does not view steroids as harshly as it does marijuana, a drug which is legal in the state of CA and also one in which Diaz had a doctor's prescription for.

I hope the NSAC will rethink its position on marijuana and also reduce Diaz's sentence to one that is in line with the actual infraction that accrued.


IF anyone has an account on Sherdog and could post this same thing there, that would be great.

Fuck using reason and logic with those faggots.

I sent a dick pic instead. Phone Post 3.0


ocbadapple - sent


Rudi - Fuck using reason and logic with those faggots.

I sent a dick pic instead. Phone Post 3.0
Is your dick pic embedded in your post?
Damn. I have more sympathy for you... Phone Post 3.0

F THESE TRANNIES... Phone Post 3.0

Sent this.

To whom it may concern,

What a disgusting hearing I watched yesterday re: Nick Diaz. 5 years is a joke and only makes the NSAC seem like a joke; no one will take this commission seriously from here on.

It's my hope that other commissions throughout the country end the reciprocal agreement they have with the NSAC – which have clearly gone off the deep end.

3 tests – 2 passed by a WADA approved lab and you chose the Quest, a non-wada approved lab to use. The vast majority of the combat sports world, fans, fighters, media, etc.. are appalled and disgusted by the treatment given to Nick Diaz and his counsel.

The commission should be ashamed of themselves.



Sent. Thanks and vu op.

Post msg again, but post email address without the . at the end of sentence. Trust me, people will fuck that up.

My stance, I'll never pay to watch another fight inside Nevada confines. Didn't say I wouldn't watch, just that I'm not gonna pay. Did till now.

Sincerely hoping this deflate gate like shit goes away. Y'all know both ball boys got reinstated this week? Doubt you would know that. NFL wouldn't admit loudly that they fucked up. NSAC should take the lesson and avoid this before court. Phone Post 3.0

Just sent this message:

Q: What happens when someone hurts a man of authority's fragile little ego?

A: He takes their money and their right to earn a living.

Absolutely ridiculous! Five years until Nick Diaz can fight again?!? What a joke! Yet Anderson Silva went in there, shed a few tears, submitted to your crooked officials and got 1 year.

Here's an idea...suck on this:
inserts dick pic Phone Post 3.0

A thread that shod get as much reaction as Hocky Balboa's hotel room view thread. No bullshit.

I think this should be important to every fighter, fan, anyone with a history with mma. This is out of control power abuse. Phone Post 3.0

sent. ty op


choadler - Sent. Thanks and vu op.

Post msg again, but post email address without the . at the end of sentence. Trust me, people will fuck that up.

My stance, I'll never pay to watch another fight inside Nevada confines. Didn't say I wouldn't watch, just that I'm not gonna pay. Did till now.

Sincerely hoping this deflate gate like shit goes away. Y'all know both ball boys got reinstated this week? Doubt you would know that. NFL wouldn't admit loudly that they fucked up. NSAC should take the lesson and avoid this before court. Phone Post 3.0

I just changed it, thanks.

And thank you everyone who emailed so far. It's one thing to sign an online petition, it's another thing for the NSAC to see that people are actually outraged at their ludicrous behavior.

To Whom it may concern,

As a long time fan of MMA and Boxing the NSAC continues to disappoint me with the handling of the association. The corruption and prehistoric ways of the NSCA have cast a black cloud over these sports and continue to destroy the publics' perception of competition. The ruling over Nick Diaz for simply medicating himself with something completely legal in California under a doctors approval is ridiculous. Welcome to 2015 Dorks. Phone Post 3.0

I'm all for taking it to these guys but I doubt emailing them directly will change anything. Instead, make NAC an issue for others, especially higher-ups who can make life hell for them, such the FBI, congressmen, and investigative news programs. I fear most any email addressed to NAC will probably go direct to trash, read by no one.