Hey johnny can you email your email was sent bact to me
as a error.So you could email me your address to send the video too thanks.
No problem. You've got mail.
so i can see it at work later
ttt for seth to get a date with obake
ttt for seth to get a date with obake
That last KO was nuts... the man KHTFO & just stood over him...lol
Just spoke with Obake and told him to call you.
Damn. just watching some of it.. awesome fights. Loved the takedown after takedown in the first fight.
Btw, How the hell did you get it to download so fast onto my pc? Its like i clicked the link... and BAM, I'm watching over an hour of action within literally 20 seconds (if that) of downloading.
Thanks again.
DOGGx0: You are downloading the whole time you are watching it. The cool thing is that the live events have also been going just as well as the on-demand stuff. It's pretty fun I think. Streaming video is getting pretty darn good.If you go to AggressionTV.com I have several other full length events as well as a Media Vault with full length fights, photos, and more.
ttt for later
Johnny Walls: Thats fuggin awesome bro. Seems like you got your ducks lined up and everything is working out great. I'll be checking out some of the other events you talk about. You do live events as well?!?! Whats the next one you're covering and do the live-broadcasts cost money?
just streaming, right? no dl?
DOGGx0: No, there's no cost for the live shows either. I do have one coming up very soon but I usually don't release that info until about a week before the event so people don't stay home to watch it on the Internet instead of buying tickets LOL
I don't feel that the Internet Pay Per View stuff will work out that well for quite a while. Must of us on here don't have a ton of disposable income. Buying a UFC and then turning around and buying Pride jacks my cable bill. So I'm not sure that people really have the money to spend $10 or so on events that are shown over the Internet unless it is a hell of a card or someone they know is fighting. My plan is using sponsors and showing commercials during intermissions or between fights instead of charging for the event. I think showing events free over the Internet will help get the sport even more exposure and help it grow even more.
branchdavidian: Some of the stuff I have on the site you can download and some is just streaming. The video magazines you can save. Usually I leave it up to the promoter whether they want the viewer to be able to save it or not. Of course, you can save just about any streaming media if you REALLY want to.
Johnny Walls - thats awesome that you do that. $10 is'nt much, and thats awesome that you got enough respect to not discredit the show and promote it to sit at home watching it instead of buying tickets. LOL.
There are 2 kinds of people, the ones that are out for themselves and the ones that do the shit they do for the love of the sport. Keep up the good work bro.
Liccaredello is in my favorite fighters list now. Fun as shit to watch wish I had that much energy
He would never lose a decision if I was on the judges panel.
"Liccaredello is in my favorite fighters list now"
I agree! Anyone know when his next fight is?