Wow what a crappy tournament. Divisions running 4hrs behind. Horrible reffing, inconsistent rule's, out of no where ad libbing on the tournament format. All of a sudden its a round robin? Sad as this kind of thing just sets the sport back here in Hawaii while the mainland promoters just take the cash and run. I wonder if results will even be posted *they werent last year.
Now as for the "Big Boy's" expo. Man what a joke. Once again the only thing going on was the Bjj tournament which has no space and no viewing areas. Which is weird since nothing ever go's on at the expo cept for the crowd the Bjj tournament brings. Youd think they'd be given more space the the dogs and the cars that dont bring in the bodies.
On top of this these promoters instruct the tournament staff to run long and late so they can "stretch out" the time of the tourny so people stick around.
So divisions schedule to start at 12 started at 4pm. Granma's and uncles and little kids sitting around for hours just so the expo seems full. All this at the expense of the paying competitors and there families and coaches.
LAst year we brought 30 competitors this year 2. With good reason. The OTM crew just does what there told so this is NOT a knock on Dane and the gang but more so the Grappling tournaments aka WGG and the "Big Boy's" promotion. Shame on you for once again taking the title of Shi!!iest BJJ event Hawaii. *end rant.
Oh also seen a ref mid match help coach one person over another. NC can vouch cuz he was there. Some major lameness going on.
but the food was ok?
With check in and day of weigh ins STARTING @ 1030, I knew this was gonna be a long day. "Packed like sardines" would be the words that come to mind when thinking of everyone smashed into the small corner they have set aside for this years tourney.
IMHO (and MANY other coaches & competitors opinion's there today) many things could be learned from today's issues...
I'll start:
1) If you're going to have a half hour long rules meeting with everyone, you better have the ALL the bracketing COMPLETELY done by the end of it!
2) I initially was hoping that you would first run all mats with the kids divisions, just to get them and their family's outta the way for the adult competitors... however, after talking to others, to be fair to all competitors, perhaps dedicating two mats to the kids only, two mats to the next largest division, the white belts (or blue belts)and two mats to the higher belt division would've kept the crowd "segregated" somewhat, AND allow ALL level competitors to roll from the get go
LMFAO @ that big boi expo... too funny, cars, dogs, and strippers... Oh and that BJJ tourney too!
Hope you can pull it together tomorrow!?
^^^^ wait, strippers? Pics please, ghetto or not.
It was like a conglomeration of all things ghetto today. Tomorrow will be even better!
Things I can't wait for tomorrow.
-Seeing all the hardcore ADCC style scrappers from garage gyms clean house
-Hear all their teammates yelling in pidgin and busting Chee-hoos.
-Maybe take some shots at the tequila and Jack Daniels booths.
-Swing by the 939 booth.
-Silently judge the 5pm crowd that will be attending the Destiny MMA fights.
Simple solution if they wanna dragout the tournament like that all day they should just plan it that way from the start. Saying things will start at 11,12 etc. was just plain silly.
Next time just purposefully space out the divisions so the paying competitors dont get screwed over just to make the expo happy.
After reading this, I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow. . .
meatrokket - It was like a conglomeration of all things ghetto today. Tomorrow will be even better!
Things I can't wait for tomorrow.
-Seeing all the hardcore ADCC style scrappers from garage gyms clean house
-Hear all their teammates yelling in pidgin and busting Chee-hoos.
-Maybe take some shots at the tequila and Jack Daniels booths.
-Swing by the 939 booth.
-Silently judge the 5pm crowd that will be attending the Destiny MMA fights.
^^^^ wait there is a 939 booth? Things are looking up already.
jjmtg - ^^^^ wait, strippers? Pics please, ghetto or not.
Ana, at least you had time to mentally prepare for it... LOL See you all at 1030 (knowing things won't start till 1pm =o(...)
I don't even know if those girls were strippers at the booth, but if they were, they were most def. third string.
Alcohol, strippers and grappling, where's the problem?
Sounds like a good night at Femme nue.
jjd - Alcohol, strippers and grappling, where's the problem?
Sounds like a good night at Femme nue.
LOL. There was also a craps or blackjack table set up near the tiny ass mat space.
and now gambling?
damn i missed out!
*puts on list of things to do now that wifey is out of town!
Believe me. It's an absolute zoo.
Geez as crappy as that sounds, its probably better than my trip he
re in Seattle so far: (
Glad I decided to take the Kids paddling out in the deep blue sea than going to the pac sub. Im surprised they didnt have a diamond cut gold rope chain booth. That place would've made bank
I'll tell you this DC, OFF of the mat, I'll bet you've never seen more thick gold chains in one place in HI LOL! Holy Run DMC dayz.... Oh wait, those are supposed to be back in style now right? LOL
this thread makes me truly regret not listening to the mmahawaii salesdude and dropping thousands on this event.
oh my.