I can’t believe they had 14 fight card start at 7 est. this shit isn’t going to be over until 3:00 AM.
Neck tat swagger.
In boyz
Jesus boy vs Argentinan Conor
Krause fighter here with Rojo. He may throw a spinning back kick with broken femur. Then we’ll know for sure.
Fireman looks like a juiced up Tom Holland
Goddamn Brooklyn
Damn Brooklyn got it going on
This. I once reffed a bjj tournament and in the white belt finals I stopped an arm bar and right as I did the guys arm Popped free naturally. The guy was pissed and cussed me out and I told him,” I’m just trying to save your arm.” They were white belts. He cussed me out until I told him to walk the fuck away. 20 min later he came back and gave me a genuine apology and said on thinking about it he appreciated it.
Rojo is from the gym Brandon left to go to Krause
Where is this???
I thought he was with Krause also? I heard people on podcasts saying he was getting an exception since statement just came out.
Orlando, Florida
When will fighters learn not to go for takedowns when they have there opponent hurt?
When they aren’t tired…lol or fighting on extinct
Does this Krause thing mean Brandon has to leave and switch camps?
Slow ref.