Holy Shit!! He is a fucking bad ass...shitty DQ.

illegal strikes ended the fight...sounds like a DQ to me.

no doubt he beat the shit out of him first, but still. fuck, are we on the OG? Nevermind, then...

Sucks he got DQed, but fucking brutal.

 When's the last UFC DQ? I can't seem to remember one.

Of course I'm an mma fan but it's really sad when you break it down to what it is. Imagine mounting some dude that you have no problem with and driving your elbow down on his head as hard as you can? I don't know, fucked up when you take a step back and look at it all.




that was a serious ass whuppin

Bones Jones is dope.

Grittys - Of course I'm an mma fan but it's really sad when you break it down to what it is. Imagine mounting some dude that you have no problem with and driving your elbow down on his head as hard as you can? I don't know, fucked up when you take a step back and look at it all.


Sandy Pantz - 
Grittys - Of course I'm an mma fan but it's really sad when you break it down to what it is. Imagine mounting some dude that you have no problem with and driving your elbow down on his head as hard as you can? I don't know, fucked up when you take a step back and look at it all.


Seriously... I like your Gritty, but wtf. That's so off-base to come from someone who knows the sport.

gritty has a soft spot for his fellow man.

and now hammil has a soft spot in the middle of his face.

This rule has been an issue for long time. The exact same strike, with the fighters in the same relative position, is totally legal in many circumstances. That the absolute 12-to-6 motion is illegal is a joke.

Willybone - This rule has been an issue for long time. The exact same strike, with the fighters in the same relative position, is totally legal in many circumstances. That the absolute 12-to-6 motion is illegal is a joke.

agreed, but there's no excuse for not following a rule that's in place.

well, I am old school, I would allow full vale tudo rules.

Should've been a no contest, IMO

Bones Jones is only a winner on the wrongforumasshole.

lol...this is my forum. I only go on the UG to troll a little , and lately to make sure poepl know that Holitzer Reich s clearly nazi bullshit.

The thing that I have a problem with is that he didn't quit because of the last 2 (?) elbows, it was the thorough thrashing and the shoulder injury. Hamill said as much.