OH SNAAAP!!! Im fighting Menne

whats a journeyman? congrats for the good news jake!

wow, very solid card 4 sure

i thought this tourney was scheduled for feb??


No its not. Its all set for the 20th of jan and I have a good friend of mine that works on the 4th floor of the MCI building your lady does. Do you know him?

did a grown man just call me a "wussy"?

True Jake Shields story

Jake Shields drives us to LA.

Prior to embarking on our trip to LA last week, Jake had decided that we, myself, Jake and Dan, would take the scenic Rt. 101 route, rather the much more boring I 5 route. Jake's reasoning behind this was "its a much prettier trip" a fact none of us were willing to argue at the time. Once we began the drive we all agreed the drive was indeed very pretty however we all realized that after 5 hours and still no sign of LA that maybe the 101 decision was a bit flawed. After we made our first stop outside Santa Barbera, I for one knew for a fact the decision was flawed. Jake pulled off the road approximately 10 miles past Santa Barbera, it was the first of 7 times that we would stop prior to getting to LA. The reason behind the stops you ask- why to look at woodland creatures ofcourse. Jake would pull over for everything he seen, Muskrats, Raccoons, Deer even a Squirrel at one point. During each of the stops Jake would demand that everyone get out of the car line up and he would commence to telling us all about whatever the animal was that precipitated the stop. It was absolutely incredible how much he knew about these woodland critters, his talks began to get more and more animated wherein during his description of a Muskrats gestation period he ordered us both to do pushups while he kicked pine needles in our faces, screaming, " see what its like to be musk rat you faggots!?!" Long story short: Jake knows about woodland animals, Jake beat Toby Imada at Kage Kombat and Muskrats can do lots of pushups under extremely stressful conditions.

Roq & Roll Jake!! See you @ Da fights......

Congratulation Jaker on your performance in Half Moon Bay and good luck to you in Hawaii.

PS Get Aaron Ready for his fight

Big Earl in the midwest

No its not. Its all set for the 20th of jan and I have a good friend of mine that works on the 4th floor of the MCI building your lady does. Do you know him?"

Dave? I feel like i have known you for years also jake;)

Not sure i know the one guy on the 4th you are talking about but i know a lady that works by mine that you may know. MJ?

any word on match-ups for the remaining six fighters?

LOL @ Muskrat pushups!

good luck dave menne!

bring back oma!

Jake Shields

BJ Penn


make it happen

^^ did that guy just wish Menne luck? LMAO thats low!

Heath, OMA told me to say that and said you would get it. Who is MJ?

Good Luck and bring back OMA (tm)