Olympic Lifting Irvine, CA

Does anyone know where one can do Olympic lifting in Irvine, CA? If not, then somewhere in Orange County, CA?

You mean do it at all, or take lessons?

If you just want to do some olympic lifts with proper equipment, Orange Coast College has a new fitness center with some really nice oly gear. You can sign up for a 1 unit PE class for like 21 bucks plus various fees. You have to work on fairly restricted hours but hey, cheap gym.

Thanks for the response.

What I would really like is a place with platforms, good Olympic bars, bumper plates, and nice long hours. I don't want to have to sign up for a class and I would probably only be able to go late at night.

The Velocity in Irvine should have platforms as well. Can't speak for any coaches they might have on hand but the equipment should be great.