One DVD to showcase BJJ

If you were going to lend someone a dvd to show what BJJ was all about what would it be? UFC1? Gracies in Action?

Gracies in Action.

UFC 4. Has Royce vs. Van Clief, Hackney, and most importantly, SEVERN.

A DVD that has all of Garcia's matches on them.

Arte Suave.

If they have little to no knowledge of what BJJ is. Gracie in Action is by far the best thing to show them to introduce them to what BJJ is about. That was the whole purpose of the videos to begin with.

One dvd to rule them all

Arte suave 1!!!

any of the 101 submissions DVD

or the Best of Mundials

Gracie in Action builds the best case for GJJ. Rorion's narration is teh best. Some years ago, I loaned this VHS tape to a few university professors who had no martial arts background.

The next day they all commented whoever the narrator was, he made a solid case for Jiu Jitsu.

For the next few weeks they would be repeating phrases like: "Notice how the cowardly opponent tries to run from the Gracie representative"


"the Gracie representative has been instructed not to finish the fight, but to punish the opponent for insulting the Gracie family"!!