I'm glad I don't hurt myself like tito every time I have a accident
What's his end game? Seems pointless to persist.
Maybe he's broke......
Pessimist_Pete - Gotta tweet something like that before he shows up at the fight tonightWithout a neck brace on

Hang Em up champ
Kings21 -moss_4h - He never quits, I'll give him that
Theres something to be said for someone who quits are the right time. Titos time to quit was years ago. At this point its become a joke that will just continue to get sadder the longer it plays out.
Yeah you're right. I was never a fan of Tito, but I always admired his self belief. VU
Accident do happen
I truely hope Tito can accomplish whatever it is he is trying to accomplish here with this 'comeback'. However, like most, I sure hope he can just end this on a good note and focus on his non fighting stuff. I mean, the guy was on the 'Celebrity Apprentice' for God's sake, that was his chance to be seen as a retired fighter, who runs a million dollar company.
Or, like someone else mentioned, going out on a win, Bader.
wasssp - This type of injury doesn't stop all fighters from competing:But to be fair it should stop someone fighting when he's, I believe, 1-7-1 in his last none fights? He was a coward and fight ducker in his prime, now it's just sad..
At the 40 second mark - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw47gXsDwjw

don't care
ChaosOverkill -
don't care
Me either.
Best joke I heard all night!!!
Shit he's becoming worse then Ken Shamrock, at least Ken showed up and got in the cage sometimes well after he shouldn't. Tito's like Ken but just doesn't ever come close to the arena.
Dreville79 -I think Tito is being ridiculous recently...but calling him a coward? Wow...wasssp - This type of injury doesn't stop all fighters from competing:But to be fair it should stop someone fighting when he's, I believe, 1-7-1 in his last none fights? He was a coward and fight ducker in his prime, now it's just sad..
At the 40 second mark - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw47gXsDwjw

Fryedtakyama owns me, it's normal -He is not a coward, he is an idiot for thinking his body is healed. News flash: it will never be healed! Retire as a Legend don't ruin your legacy.Dreville79 -I think Tito is being ridiculous recently...but calling him a coward? Wow...wasssp - This type of injury doesn't stop all fighters from competing:But to be fair it should stop someone fighting when he's, I believe, 1-7-1 in his last none fights? He was a coward and fight ducker in his prime, now it's just sad..
At the 40 second mark - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw47gXsDwjw

He's in bellator crowd without a neck brace
Tito's hobbies:
Diving into empty swimming pools
Butting heads against Rocky Mountain Sheep
Falling down stairs
Side work as a crash test dummy
tech696 - He's in bellator crowd without a neck braceYeah, I saw him too when they showed the announcers at one point.

After last night, I think Tito should fight King Mo
Mo isnt winning the LHW title like they would have liked, but he can still be in fights with Tito and Rampage because those guys wont do the tournament
in 4 ug responzes