Out of keto & into carb-up for same day weigh-in Q

My body seems to work better in ketosis, i usually have trace carbs mon-sat & have a high carb day on a Sunday - do any of you have any protocols? Do i "need" to carb up? Is there any rate at which the human body can replenish?

I weigh in for fights at around 10am & fight around 2pm.

Usually i do this:
Immediately post weigh-in 1 large Mars bar 250ml bottle isotonic drink (Sip 1.5-2litres of water during the 2 hour period but do not bloat)
30mins later 6 oatcake biscuits 1 scoop whey + 2 tsp sugar in water
30 mins later Chocolate flapjack 50ml bottle isotonic drink
30mins later 6 oatcakes Kendal mint cake or Mars bar

Which stole from this making weight article:

Now im thinking:
immeadiately post weigh electroyltes & 100g WMS in water
30 mins later Bannana & mars bar
30 mins later granola bar
30 mins later blended oats in shake
30 mins later mars bar

any thoughts?