Jair vs Jimmy Tang
Jared Espina vs L. Nyza
Kyle O. vs Joel Tudor
Carl Barton vs Jake Mapes
Eric Goo vs Brad Scott
Luke Hacker vs Ron Jhun
Kendall Grove vs Niko Vitale
teh good matches!
oooh saucy!
^^i thought ur bro was in on this?
nice matches. are all these set or possiblilities? all gi or no-gi?
Does Joel Tudor still surf?
Sweet. Great matches.
Whoa. . . NOYCE!
nalupono - nice matches. are all these set or possiblilities? all gi or no-gi?
These are what is confirmed as of today; spoke w/ many of the athletes. All of these are set for no-gi.
pogeeburgerdeluxe - Does Joel Tudor still surf?Yes. Tudor is also competing in the Abu Dhabi trials; this will be an excellent expereince for Kyle. Last year we had Tudor vs Beiri as a superfight. Both were brown belts then; now have received their black.
can't wait
OTM FS HAWAII -nalupono - nice matches. are all these set or possiblilities? all gi or no-gi?
These are what is confirmed as of today; spoke w/ many of the athletes. All of these are set for no-gi.
that's cool that it's no-gi. some of the matches i wish were with gi would be
Jared Espina vs L. Nyza
Carl Barton vs Jake Mapes
Eric Goo vs Brad Scott
still awesome that these guys are going to compete. can't wait for this.
Jared vs. Nyza and Goo vs Scott would be great in gi
but I don't think Carl has a chance against Jake in the gi he will have a tough one in the no-gi but he will have a better chance IMO
i prefer the pj's. lol
Kyle versus Tudor should be great.
Why don't they all do both a Gi and a No-Gi. It's only fair.
some people train mostly Gi.
some people ONLY train no gi.
I mean all the Gi guys do both. Why don't the No-Gi guys slap one on?
I think that would be a true view of how good their skillz are.
Faxapreta - Why don't they all do both a Gi and a No-Gi. It's only fair.
some people train mostly Gi.
some people ONLY train no gi.
I mean all the Gi guys do both. Why don't the No-Gi guys slap one on?
I think that would be a true view of how good their skillz are.
wow I was just thinking that the gi guy always makes the exception to play the no-gi guy I would love to see the no-gi guy make the exception to play the gi guy.
I mean you NEVER hear the No-Gi guy saying. Ahhh this tournament is only Gi, but I will try it anyway... LoL ... For this point I give all the Gi guys that try the no-gi props.
Unless your Marcello Garcia in which you only train once a week w/ no-gi and kill the competition; 2:15 into the clip: