Parkour in "Casino Royale"

There's apparently a great scene in the new James Bond film where Bond chases a bad guy who knows "Parkour."

The actor playing the parkour expert is none other than Sebastien Foucan, the leader of the Parkour movement!

Even more reason for me to see the new Bond.

I read in a review that it is perhaps the most exciting sequence in the whole movie.

Foucan in a film doing his parkour = PRICELESS.

damn it. Now i got to go see it. or at least see it on DVD.

It was an awesome scene. Crazy stuff, made even better by knowing the guy wasn't on wires and stuff.

Saw it last night. Awesome movie, great fight scene (Bond finishes someone with RNC from half-back position), and the Parkour scene was INTENSE.

Here's the show Jump Britain that was on the Discovery Channel I think.

50 minutes of Parkour goodness.

I didn't hear of Parkour until about 2 years ago but about 6 or 7 years and 40 or 50 lbs ago I used to do what I called fun runs in the middle of the night at a local junior college where I did short jumps, vaults, ran along concrete railing and climbed whatever I could get a hold on.

I'm a big coward so Parkour is out of the question but I'd love to practice some of the basic skills and go for more fun runs with my son.

Here's a link to Parkour basics from the Crossfit journal.

The Parkour scene was friggin great. It's VERY early in the movie..... nothing afterwards to match it.

It was amazing but went a little long and kinda bored my wife. I kept trying to tell her it was real but she didn't believe it.

Great movie though! Best Bond since Sean.

who care who plays Bond? Do you guys really go to see the dude?

I think the scene got "boring" once it got to the shoot-out in the embassy, where the Parkour stuff started to die down to nothing, and the scene still went on. But let me guess, your wife was really into that interminable bit where Bond tells the chick that she melted his armor...

what is parkour?

Le parkour/free running is the art of navigating obstacles in interesting or beautiful ways. It's usually practiced in an urban setting but can also be done in a rural one.

you might jump from roof to roof, use the corners of a wall to climb up to a roof, etc.

"what is parkour?"

Fats, imagine Spiderman without the web-slinging.

great scene.

As an aside, the wife and I loved the new Bond film, and the chase scene had a great contrast between the uber-athletic villain (parkour) and the inventive, creative Bond. But of course, ymmv

The other thing I loved about this new film:

The new bond is the MOST FIT Bond I've ever seen.

That guy looked rock hard! Someone I can really believe who can fight, jump, get beaten up, etc.

The other Bonds had great style, but I never believed them as fighters (maybe a prime Connery).

Check out District B13, its a french film with the other creator of Parkour in it as one of the main characters. A bit cheesy but the fight scenes and parkour in it are amazing.

I saw the movie on opening day. I thought it was one of the best Bonds films in a while.


Commander Bond is a black belt in Judo. That is how Ian Fleming pibtured him.

Which is no doubt why Austin Powers had that awesome judo chop!

If you did not know that it was done free, it would look like any other stunt sequence.