IYO Do you think a HS or College kid's part time job should be fun or something that would give him some work experience into the field they're thinking of pursuing later in life?
I was a carnival barker in HS. Whodathunk?
There's hope!
LOL!! Old school parenting. I love it!
Here is a list of jobs I had starting from 8 years old up until i joined the army:
pennysaver delivery boy
New York Newsday paperboy
library page (only job i was fired from...i was too loud and not "library material", i fingered a chick in the oversized book section)
paper factory envelope stuffer
landscaper assistant
telemarketer (i would be lying if i said i didn't have fun doing this...i had all kinds of voices and personalities. it was histerical)
busboy (best job i ever had)
driveway paver (last job i had before college)
network admin
coffee shop douche bag
bartender (second best job i ever had and last before the army)
best job for a kid in high school...busboy! So many hot waitresses willing to make a young man's dream come true!
as a youngster, I worked as a lei-greeter at the airport
one of the most fun, irresponsible jobs ever devised
Prior to 21. Started working at the door at Bobby McGees, was 20 or so. That job prepared me for life. Oh man it did.
Robobear -
Prior to 21. Started working at the door at Bobby McGees, was 20 or so. That job prepared me for life. Oh man it did.
I'm all about that bounce
bout that bounce no trouble
Trust me. Was trouble.
fnunderful -Stupid song is stuck in my head. The fat girl anthemRobobear -
Prior to 21. Started working at the door at Bobby McGees, was 20 or so. That job prepared me for life. Oh man it did.
I'm all about that bounce
bout that bounce no trouble

Robobear -Maybe you can share stories on a new thread of incidents you may have "heard" about.... But was not directly involved in of course
Trust me. Was trouble.

Every summer after 7th grade
Production assistant (movie "aloha summer")
Bag boy times
Duty free shoppers 2nd floor woman's purse department
411 operator
Pizza hut liliha waiter (best job I had) during flunking out of uh the first time
Then air force....
In highschool I worked clam bake catering.....BEST JOB EVA! After that Star market stock clerk, almost as good as caterer.
Young people have fun in jobs that are active and people their own age.....but i woukdnt think retail sales is fun.
Is he still planning mil laterm
Sgt, maybe as soon as next year he's planning on turning into a lantern.
School and his part time now.
Looking over his options for Military branches over the next year.
Where did the time go.....?
air force: go in guaranteed (if still avail) linguist.
tech school in monterey california.
unlimited foreign pussy when he gets assigned.
Worked at an A+ right out of high school then worked for the City as a pool lifeguard. Part time during the year and full time during the summer. Good afternoon job and you can make pretty good money for a part time job.
FCTV808 -My baby bro just got a linguist gig for the Army. I'm hoping good things. He's been giving my 1st Born some advice.
air force: go in guaranteed (if still avail) linguist.
tech school in monterey california.
unlimited foreign pussy when he gets assigned.
From a guy who spent his 21st Bday in Iraq, he's got lots of advice to give my boy on what direction to take and not take.
Keep all the part time job stories coming. I have a few to contribute soon

I worked at Star Sand beach resort on Guam. Anywhere between 300-500 customers a day, 60% of them women.
I was 17yrs old, and that is where JimmyNaks was born.
A story for another thread
The first job should be long before college and it should be one that teaches them how to bust ass, sweat their balls off, and work their ass off...and like it.
That will set the tone in working hard in whatever field they do later on.
I got run like a slave in my first few jobs and actually learned to appreciate that groove and effort, and to this day I compare everything to that.