Pay to Fight in UFC?

Do you think it possible that the UFC could actually sell the right to appear in the UFC to sponsors?

This would be for new fighters obviously, but it wouldn't have to be much different than Survivor.

Think about it. You could have _______ fighter, new to the UFC, trained by _______ and sponsored by ______. That way, the UFC wouldn't have to pay them jack, and they could actually make money by having the sponsors pay for the right of the fighter to appear.

You wouldn't even need a sponsor either, if the fighter himself deemed the publicity worth while, they could foot the appearance fee themself.

don't give them any ideas

don't give them any ideas


you're really starting to obsess over this.

Think about it, payrolls could shrink drastically. Instead of paying out $600,000k, you could pay out $400k to your main attractions, and then charge all others.

$15,000 seems reasonable, no? The appearance and publicity alone should make it more than worthwhile.