Penn is a bad dude

and I respect his ability. But at the same time I would love to see him get his ass kicked. It's weird, but I want him to get beat up worse than any other fighter right now...

Much respect to Penn, but I see the same feelings brewing. But hate sells tickets and fills seats as much as love. I bought every PPV and and bet against Oscar DLHoya since he started fighting 10 round fights and I must say the hate, hurt my wallet. Wasnt untill recently that I could enjoy Oscars losses.

I just hope when BJ does lose we dont see 1000 threads saying he is/was overated. He is a man that is at the top of his game at the moment. But the godlike comparisons are producing as much bad press as good.

No press is bad press though when selling tickets.

I fully acknowledge that he is an exceptional fighter. That being said, I fucking hate his guts. I've hated him ever since I first saw him. I can't even explain it. Maybe it's the cocky attitude, or maybe it's because his cheeks look like they're storing nuts for the winter, but he rubs me the wrong way and I pretty much always root against him.

I've never seen such haters! I can understand if it has something to do with what he said or did, but u chumps cant even say why! It must be the success! haters!

WTF?? Why do you want to see him get his ass kicked? The guy doesnt have a fucked up attitude, and hes not disrespectfull at all towards any other fighter.

I dont get this, other than its great to hate

I don't care for him much either but is is kicking ass and promotes a good show. I hope he fights Sherk or Trigg soon. It is getting tough to bet against him though.

I dislike him for beating Matt, becuase well, Matt shouldn't be beaten, EVA.

He also just seems high as a kite. Whenever I mention his name around mate's familiar with MMA, they alawyas ask if he's off the PCP yet. I can't forget the first fight with Uno, how jumpy and twitchy he was.

BJUntCabbagefan is correct, but I don't hate him.

Try it sometime BJandCabbageFan, it's easy.

I've always really liked Penn (yes, even though I've never met him).

Its not just people 'hating' on BJ. Its a daily occurance here. People are bad mouthing Hughes in a BJ thread started earlier 2day. People like to see great fighters get beat. The Rocky type scenario. Then there are the UFC supporters that have the hate and I'm sure ROTR people have mutual feelings. I heard BJ is kool as fuk, and I'm sure I'd get along with him fine, surely this forums opinion doesnt represent 2% of MMA's fans.

And lets not use the hate word so literally.

I see nothing wrong with a guy wanting to get paid and looking and bitching for more money. Someone once said......'a nigga's gotta eat.' I agree. Bad arguement. The rest are valid.

People 'hate'......... because its human nature.

ENVY probably sums it up best if you are seriously looking for an answer.

I guess everybody likes and dislikes there fighters for some reason or another. I like watching BJ fight and really I can't think of any fighter that moves up in weight for competition. Most fighters move down in weight to be more competitive.

if you guys ever get the chance to sit and talk w/ bj you would realize in the first minute that he is a cool guy. every time i see him he never talks about his fights unless some one else brings it up. he is quick to answer any ?'s on tech's and always leaves you better every time you train w/ him. yes the guy is confident and that may be taken as him being cocky. but as a fighter if you are not confident and always thinking you are going to win, you might as well hang it up. bj is the new breed of fighter who can dominate in every aspect of the game. but at the same time he is a throw back to the days when size wasnt an issue and the fans got to see who was the better man. TTT for bj