I won alot of fake money on this event. I should really start betting real money.....
Thank you Big Daddy!!!
I won alot of fake money on this event. I should really start betting real money.....
Thank you Big Daddy!!!
Where can you bet with fake money on this?
It's just on another forum I post on. Pretty much for bragging rights.
Still, that's good. Maybe eventually the fake money is worth real money, and you can cash it in, and you'll be ahead of the rest of us
Well, considering they are sponsering me in the future, I suppose it will be worth real money soon enough.
Renzo B Level? Is that why the top male and female grapplers train at Renzo's? Roger the baddest man on the planet trained with Renzo to prepare for the Pan-Ams, if he wanted B level, he should of trained with Bj.
"if he wanted B level, he should of trained with Bj."
what? lol. obviously renzo isn't b level after how he did against the pfp #1, but how can you call the pfp #1 who just beat renzo b level?
E -"if he wanted B level, he should of trained with Bj."
Your statement is equally at stupid as the one you tried to beat down. Both guys are tough and this fight showed that Renzo still has lots of fight in him.
Did you guys see the size of BJ's head??
Karma: I think your a bjnuthugger.
PFP, means pound for pound right? not for Pretty Fat Person.