Pennsylvania Referees



Mark matheny post's here as blue name and has for years. Has done UFC in Ohio as well along with NAAFS and many others. He's pretty solid . Phone Post


ilovetortillas - if you guys want to touch gloves, now would be a good time!

I think I pissed my pants when he said that!! Phone Post

ebullock - 


 yeah one of the ref's said that to begin a fight.  I wonder if Anheuser Busch got to him?

Horrible! Phone Post

Rewatching the fights and had to mute it during the griffin fight. Phone Post

daire84 - 
ilovetortillas - if you guys want to touch gloves, now would be a good time!
I think I pissed my pants when he said that!! Phone Post

I was quite surprised when i heard this as well and commented on it.. I also was shocked when the fight was stood while story was attempting a kimura I believe.. It was really bad reffing from the two local refs for sure.. Knee to grounded opponent was ridiculous and I am quite surprised that the attonito/roberts fight wasn't stopped in the 2nd round. roberts was out on his feet the entire 3rd round..

I liked that they let Roberts keep fighting actually. Phone Post