Petition for Kirik to uncap number of votes/day.

3 just aint enough,


 This is madness!

There would be anarchy, the internet would explode

Tap In -  This is madness!

There would be anarchy, the internet would explode


 It's a tricky line to draw on what's too much and not enough. I find I want to vote up a lot of good posts but run out quickly, but at the same time I can think of a handful of people who would probably abuse the system.

I mentioned before that being able to see who voted could help keep people from abusing the system as they would be easy to catch, so maybe if the number was bumped + we could see who voted?

Your level of Karma should reflect how many votes you get

I think it should mimick the reddit system in every way except dont change the order of the posts.

Uncapped, votes/day.

Only show the number of votes a post gets in the threads but not the user totals like it is now, show the members total up/down votes in their profile. It would make it easier to identify good and bad posts in threads and not just good or bad posters.


I can just see some manic OGer voting down somebody 200x in an hr that didn't agree with their post.  However, I can see no cap on votes but you can't vote the same person up or down more than once a day.  Does that make sense?

Oh, and to quote in the app, just touch the name on the post that you want to quote and you'll get it.

Vulva Fabulous - I can just see some manic OGer voting down somebody 200x in an hr that didn't agree with their post.  However, I can see no cap on votes but you can't vote the same person up or down more than once a day.  Does that make sense?

Oh, and to quote in the app, just touch the name on the post that you want to quote and you'll get it.

I still prefer the reddit style of only being able to vote on a single post once ever.

  "I can just see some manic OGer voting down somebody 200x in an hr that didn't agree with their post."

Yep, but not a manic UGer, no waaaaaay. ;)

1 VTFU/D per person, per day, but unlimited number of people you can VTFU/D Phone Post

Vulva Fabulous - I can just see some manic OGer voting down somebody 200x in an hr that didn't agree with their post.  However, I can see no cap on votes but you can't vote the same person up or down more than once a day.  Does that make sense?

Oh, and to quote in the app, just touch the name on the post that you want to quote and you'll get it.

  I like this.

Horrible idea to uncap votes.

It opens the door to all sorts of cheating, manipulation, people with multiple accounts voting themselves up over and over, and general douchebaggery. You have a person who has a lot of time on their hands with not job and a vendetta against another member voting them down continuously.

The system is perfectly fine where it is. Phone Post

Just getting the 3 a day we're meant to would be a good start, I'm having to wait 48 hours between votes.

Limited votes for the same person. Unlimited daily votes Phone Post

UGCTT Captain America - 

1 VTFU/D per person, per day, but unlimited number of people you can VTFU/D Phone Post

Hmmm, where have I heard this idea from?  :)

Devlyn - Just getting the 3 a day we're meant to would be a good start, I'm having to wait 48 hours between votes.

It's funny that you said this.  I can only make 1 vote per day, not 3, only 1.  Weird

Vulva Fabulous -
UGCTT Captain America -  1 VTFU/D per person, per day, but unlimited number of people you can VTFU/D Phone Post

Hmmm, where have I heard this idea from?  :)

Haha, I was trying to sum up Phone Post