This girl has it all, and I hate seeing wasted potential. Rose, its time to grow that hair out and do some tasteful playboy style nudes! Become the mainstream star you have the potential to be! If you want Rose to take her career to the next level, sign in below.
Star sure, but don’t lump her into the joke “athlete” crowd that partakes in pornography and uses their small MMA “fame” to make money off their ass.
Rose is legit and doesn’t need that shit and I don’t need to see it. It’s sad.
It’s funny how my views of her has changed. At first, she was attractive on a physical aspect.
Then she wasn’t, however she also wasn’t at the top of her game yet.
Then as her career unfolds, I see the person she is, I see the bad ass fighter she is, and while she still has a shaved head but now has a busted nose, she’s beautiful again to me. Who she is as a person, coupled with her bad ass mma skills, she’s the prettiest she’s ever been.
I wouldn’t have this view if I was younger and more shallow.
Im just gonna call out the elephant in the room I know we’re both thinking about. I’ve never heard of Rose having weight trouble. Should she get implants? Absolutely! Long haired c-cup Rose is a moneymaking star!
There ya have it. Even the hardcore fan base wont pay to watch her fight. But would you order that ppv if it was Rose 2.0 with the long hair and c-cups? I rest my case.