Phil Baroni has a fight in japan, 20 days from now

Ttt Phone Post 3.0

I hope he gets a win and can get in to wwe. Phone Post 3.0

Best fuckin evahhhhhh

Tag team with zakk ryder and smash fools Phone Post 3.0

I would pay 60$ for this Phone Post 3.0

TTT for Baroni getting back to .500

He has entertained us so much over the years I just want to see him retire healthy. Was amazed he got down to the lower weight classes like he did but prefer the beefed up Baroni with 7 minutes of thunder....STILL A COMPELLING FIGHTER TO WATCH after all these years.

SpredSavage - Phil gases out in 3 minutes Phone Post 3.0
Shudup faggot

Let him bang Phone Post 3.0

Ttt Phone Post 3.0