Phil Baroni TUF 4 replacement?

I just watched NIck DIaz, Josh Neer pre fight vid on UFC.COM and after it had Phil promoting UFC on demand fights with TUF 4 written under him

If he was on it it would be awsome. That accent and his personality would be funny. He would probably end up getting in a fight and threw out. LOL.

Didnt he just show up at a PRIDE press conference?

Maybe if one of the original fighters gets injured, they bring in another former UFC fighter instead of bringing back a fighter who lost earlier on the show.

If so..... kind of a cool concept.

TUF 4 reject imo.

^^^ yeah must be a mistake

Sounds like a fun little spoiler to me

No way is he on TUF 4. He was just at the PRIDE press conference. To be on TUF you have to sign a 3 year contract i think.

Besides, not only was he at the PRIDE press conference, I'm sure he's on contract with them as well, and no way in hell would DSE let him on TUF.

how did u play the Nick Diaz/Josh Neer vid? I can't seem to get it to work.

Website glitch

I thought that was interesting too. Baroni just fought in the opening round of the Bushido tournament on June 4. When did the taping of TUF 4 start?

Pete Sell would have to choke him out again.



You mean the NYBA Drago !

LMAO at this stupid idea. There is as much chance of Fedor fighting in KOTC as there is of Baroni fighting in TUF. What a joke.

maybe edwin dewees cut leaves him out and phil baroni replaces him.its far fetched but would be pretty cool.

Or maybe Robbie Lawler? He was on a bunch of commercials for the show before it started. His flexing pose and KO of Tiki were thrown in there mysteriously.

"Wow your as retarded as Sims as well!"

Fighter bashing! BAN!!!

P.S. you're*, imho

"Sure he is gonna go through some gay reality TV show to get paid peanuts for fighting in the UFC when he can be fighting in Pride FC..."

Yeah, because Pride will definitely give him $100,000 and a title shot very soon

On the show, they said they were keeping the losing fighters in the house to replace anyone who got injured.

Baroni fired Laimon as a coach, he'd beat Sell in a rematch.