Definitely didn't win round 3
I guess Machida hurt him more than I thought.
Thought the second round was the only one that could of gone either way. Scored it 30-27 to machida but I'm no judge.
I had it 29-28 machida with machida winning rounds 1 and 3. But the fight sucked and could have gone either way
aarick161 - Definitely didn't win round 3
I fell asleep during this shitfest.
I gave him round 2 on my very unofficial card.
Cutman - Davis even won the first round, Anyone who doubt it should rewatch the fight without sound , people are clearly influenced by Brian Stann's shit talking<br />edit: 'only idiots rewatch this fight with sound
Sound is irrelevant. Machida was the more Effective Striker in every round, and the scoring clearly states that is the most heavily weighed criteria if a round is spent mostly in the feet.
How the heck could he feel like he won the third. Machids owned him that round.
Lebronfloppedhisnutsonmyface - Wrestlers ALWAYS think they've won a round if they get one takedown in the last minute. Even when that the only thing they do...
MMA needs to overhaul the scoring system
Well they're right. As long as you don't almost get KO'd and you don't get picked apart GSP vs Kos style, get a takedown and hold him down for 30 seconds and the round is won. The balance of scoring criteria is way off.
He must have gotten hit in the head too much. Poor Phil.
LMAO off at him believe he won round 3! Gone full retard.
At most Phil won round 2.
I had it 30-27 Machida. Sorry Phil.
Davis won that fight !!!!
more wellfounded fighter davis was
Brasco - more wellfounded fighter davis wasI'm begging you to give it a break on this fight. I generally agree with you on most issues, but multiple thread starts and posting in every Davis Machida thread- everyone knows your opinions and arguments by now
The last two? Lol round 3 wasn't close. Round 1-2 were close but round 3? Lol! How does he think he won round 3, but not round 1?? lmao.
Fryedtakyama owns me, it's normal - The last two? Lol round 3 wasn't close. Round 1-2 were close but round 3? Lol! How does he think he won round 3, but not round 1?? lmao.
Its funny because he was tweeting that he landed more strikes and got tds in round one and two on monday...
omega 2013 - he definitely won rounds 1&2 so it doesn't matter what anyone says or thinks...Round 2 I think Davis won, but round 1 was close as hell. Round 3 was obviously machida, anyone who can't see that is retarded. Oh and for all you watch with the sound off faggots I only watched it with no sound because of where I was. So I didn't hear anything they were saying. I was nervous about the decision admittedly.. But that was mostly because I know judges hate machida.
Best article concerning the judging of this fight. If a round is superclose, nobody deserves to "win" it.