Can anybody recommend any websites/forums, etc. where I can get advice from other MA gym owners?
I'm starting a BJJ school in Taipei, Taiwan, and need to learn from those wise men and women who've already made the mistakes and had the successes.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Best suggestion/piece of advice wins one month's unlimited classes - transportation not included.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club - Taipei
Early Jan I am starting a gym owner forum.
Nice idea Kirik, looking forward to it
Well get going on it, Kirik!
Very much look forward to it; sign me up!
(I'll be the one who's mistakes others can learn from, no doubt)
It's early Jan, Kirik!
Any news?
i dont have a "pit", but i have a 100 pd red nose pit, thats wut i thought this thread was about at 1st:)
wuzup joe m.
chad saunders
i wouldnt have one any other way.
Chad!How are you brother? I hope all is well. If that Pit that Chad has is anything like its owner....its a killer. Chad is "money". Hope to see you soon
Joe Mullings
Can someone get these pitbull owners off my thread, please?