I Just Saw Swinging - Have they tried a social media campaign against the insurance company? They might be persuaded to pay at least some of the cost if they get enough negative public attention.
Flood is completely different coverage. When my friends house had a hillside come into his living room due to rain, the insurance adjuster walked in to the house, stuck a wooden stick into the muck in the kitchen and since it was able to stand up, it was classified as a mudslide (covered). He told him if the stick had fallen over it would have been classified as a flood (not covered).
Wow what cunts
What wrong did the insurance company do in this particular case? They classified the situation as something that was covered in his policy and paid up. How are they "cunts"?
This particular case seems like a win situation for the individual if you ask me.
Imagine a bowl of chili, if you stick a wooden spoon in it, it most likely won't hold the spoon up. Even though it is clearly chili, the insurance company would look at you and say "nope, that's water".
You forgot to end your dumb analogy with them still paying you.
In that one specific case, how many times do you think the reverse has been the case?
He's too fucking retarded to grasp that my friend was part of the very lucky minority. The two neighbors he is friendly with had their claims denied because the stick fell over.
So, let me get this straight... although i originally stated that this was a GOOD thing for your friend, you stil argue that i'm retarded despite 1) You don't grasp that flood insurance and regular catastrophe insurance are two very different things. 2) You don't understand that a landslide and a flood are also two separate events. 3) are mad at the insurance co for actually paying what their policy covered and 4) can't understand why a watered down chili could be considered soup.
Let alone, add facts to your story at your leisure as If we were savants that know the specifics of every situation.
youarewhatiswrong - Would help if I could, not in a position to right now.
Are mats really that expensive? What square footage is being covered? Are there any mat companies on the UG that might be able to assist?
Btw, the tards complaining about the charity campaign or the business not purchasing flood insurance and paying for accountants and lawyers are the same ones that think membership in a martial arts school should be $25 a month because they take a class at the ymca.
This 'tard' happens to pay $120 a month for a membership and has for over six years. In addition, he teaches classes twice a week for free.
I'm also a commercial risk manager for about 75 small business owner and I can't tell you how many of them were risking their entire livelihood on cutting corners in the insurance area until I began working with them. I've seen businesses forced to shut their doors and lay off 50+ employees because the idiot business owner didn't know what he was doing, didn't seek expert advice, and/or wanted to save a couple buck on his policy premiums by cutting coverage.
youarewhatiswrong - Would help if I could, not in a position to right now.
Are mats really that expensive? What square footage is being covered? Are there any mat companies on the UG that might be able to assist?
Btw, the tards complaining about the charity campaign or the business not purchasing flood insurance and paying for accountants and lawyers are the same ones that think membership in a martial arts school should be $25 a month because they take a class at the ymca.
This 'tard' happens to pay $120 a month for a membership and has for over six years. In addition, he teaches classes twice a week for free.
I'm also a commercial risk manager for about 75 small business owner and I can't tell you how many of them were risking their entire livelihood on cutting corners in the insurance area until I began working with them. I've seen businesses forced to shut their doors and lay off 50+ employees because the idiot business owner didn't know what he was doing, didn't seek expert advice, and/or wanted to save a couple buck on his policy premiums by cutting coverage.
But yeah, I'm the 'tard. Makes sense.
Ok, so you're not one of those tards.
You have to acknowledge that owning a martial arts school, in most cases, isn't hugely profitable. From the description it was a freak occurrence that found this school flooded. I understand that you make your money off of places like this, but maybe be a little less judgmental in the future.
From my experience every insurance company I've used has sought any excuse possible not to cover a claim. Loyal employees will justify insurance companies raking in billions upon billions in profits annually. Nothing new here. Good luck to the OP's cause
I'm a little tied up at the mo - I'll help when I can - expect a donation soon.
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<span class="User-207137" id="userPost50830967">a 13 er acting all badd ass over the intrawebs. this place has gone to shit when 13ers are allowed to talk shit.</span></blockquote>
FYI.. He was referring to someone who came on thread and was being disrespectful. I should have deleted his post also because it seems now out of place. I just didnt want to delete the message he left at the end.
Wow that sucks that the insurance company isn't covering it, I used to be a home insurance case manager here in Australia and flooding is covered here. Even special events that aren't covered by the policy are considered; I had a claim for cleaning, replacement and repair costs from an elderly couple who had a friend die while house sitting for them as they were on holidays.
That kind of 'event' isn't covered in the policy, however I took their case to my superior who approved it immediately. All we asked for proof of the situation was a police report ID number and copies of their receipts.
Good luck with it guys, hope the mats are all fixed up for the members soon!! Will drop a couple bucks in for the kids :)