Polish MMA fighter turned merc killed in Ukraine

I knew you we’re a faggot, faggot.


yeah we use equipment from 70 years ago and still killing all these poor Ukrainians and foreign faggots armed with full NATO support in droves, imagine that

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Such a great retort! You poor brainwashed idiot, You join the Ukrainian army too.

You had plenty of time with no support from other countries to take over but you couldnt. Just like the war against finland. Your military is dogshit.


Yeah you really got me there. Ukraine winning this any day now!

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Russia isnt winning shit either though. All youre doing is weakening your already piss poor army even more.


Oh sure, sure!

Yeah, i’ve been in the army. Unlike a fuckin queer like you, lol.


Look at this tough guy! Too bad you can’t tell your head from your ass if you believe that Ukraine are the good guys

All we heard for the last 5 years is “Russia tried to influence our presidential elections!!” Well guess what the Office Of Strategic Services (precurser to the CIA) was developed for this sole purpose… fuck other countries up by getting our allies elected. Now the CIA took over where the OSS left off and we havent stopped rigging other countries elections in 60 fucking years… im ashamed i volunteered for these fake wars…


Fuck you you Russian prick and fuck your shitty backwards country. Your soldiers are executing civilians, killing children, deliberately targetting civilian buildings and raping women. Get the fuck out of Ukraine and peddle your shitty Kremlin propaganda elsewhere.

God bless HIMARs.


The Mujahideen were our dear friends for 10 years, precisely the length of time to the day it took them to kick Russias ass, and by the next morning we were gone…then we called them the Taliban and we went after them. Every single Taliban member of age was formerly Mujahideen… our government lies to us…


Change my soldiers to Ukranian nazis and you will be correct. And god bless HIMARs in the hands of Russian engineers

Russians are the Nazis. They did exactly what Nazi Germany did in WW2. Pretended they were coming to the defense of German speakers (which was bullshit then and is now).

It’s Russia that illegally invaded Ukraine. It’s Russia that illegally annexed Crimea. It’s Russian soldiers who raped women in Georgia in 2008 and in Ukraine now in 2022. It is Russia that is trying to clear a pathway in South Ukraine so it can annex Transnistria.

It’s Russian soldiers who are tying up civilians hands behind their backs and executing them.

It’s Russia who has been blocking the export of grain, contributing to potential famine.

It’s Russia who is wiping out entire cities like Mariupol.

It’s Russia who is deliberately targetting apartment blocks with missiles.

You dumb fucking Orcs won’t win in Ukraine.

The west will continue to arm Ukraine while Russia will run out of supplies. You’re already reverting back to T-62’s, and tons of your ammo depots have been smashed by HIMAR’s.

Russia won’t win this war. Your soldiers will die for nothing.

Enjoy driving Lada’s and using cheap Chinese computer chips for the foreseeable future, dickhead.

Slava Ukraini.


When i was in Blackwater Eric Prince offered up his full team of former special forces to go and fight the Janjaweed militia in Sudan… at the time we had 20,000 Blackwater guys payroll around the middle east… the goverment was paying BW 1500 dollars a day for each one of us and we were making on average 550 to 600 a day,more for program managers and top secret linguists, and that was paid for every day, 30 days out of the month for years… the government wouldn’t pay for us to stop the genocide in Sudan because there was nothing in ot for us… as much as i hate to say it our government isnt as altruistic as people think… when in doubt follow the money



JOB has to be a bot. Nobody is that stupid

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keep lapping up your msm


You joined in 2020, your opinion is irrelevant. Who’s the bot? Anyone who supports Russia in this invasion is a moron of the highest degree.