POLL: Does Metallica and Nick Cannon's involvement make you more or less interested in Triad Combat 1?

Hope Mike Perry is in the mosh before/after his fight


Only reason I fuck with triller is the prospect of seeing Tyson body someone. I dig seeing the older cats get a little more shine and a nice payday. I am curious to see this new ring er I mean triangle and new rules in effect.

I hate that racist pos. He’s not even accepted by his own people. They even think he’s a sellout.

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Metallica is terrible these days, and have been terrible for a long long time. They add absolutely no value. I don’t think I could even name 1 Nick Cannon song either.

I haven’t heard any band member of Metallica say anything woke. In fact on his jre appearance James said he had to leave the bay area CA to get away from all the obnoxious woke people.

Nick cannon is the poster boy for Hollywood cuck pussies.