Portuguese Speakers

what is this guy saying about me on youtube? should I hunt him down?

"esse faixa roxa? eh muito? ruim... eu ein."

nice takedown @ :53...

lol...you found the vid?

Haha. Looks like a fun roll.

Google translate is your friend: "this purple belt? eh really? bad ... I ein."

He must think you're a brown! Way to go! ;)

post vid pls

Ppl asking for vid = white belt in google-jitsu...

LOL Phone Post

Says this guy is a purple belt? Terrible huh.. The expression is like he is shocked questioning your rank..

At least thats what i got from iy Phone Post

The comments section on any Youtube video makes you lose any possible faith in humanity.

I get surprised everytime I hear that someone reads them.

oh i didnt realize who you were raleigh.

shen - 

The comments section on any Youtube video makes you lose any possible faith in humanity.

UG too.

Baroque, raleigh was my original screen name before my account was deleted, I somehow got it back

Slick Armbar!

shen - 

The comments section on any Youtube video makes you lose any possible faith in humanity.

 Between that and the comments section on Yahoo news.