PPV $54.99. Holy crap thats high

thank you captain.

Judgemental bitches.

liars...you know you ordered that ppv because you love WWE.

so did half the forum

From: ARfightfan
Date: 03/30/08 04:54 PM
Member Since: 09/13/2005
739 Total Posts Ignore User

Let me say that I am not a fan but my two young boys watch Pro wrastlin. They wanted to get the Wrestlemania event tonite. I ordered it for them and looked at the price of $54.99. does this event give me a BJ or send me a free gold bar.

Sounds like their PPV prices are on steroids, too!


It's four hours, only a couple of minutes of filler.

I remember when i was around 10 or 11 it was like $30 for a PPV, Wrestlemania, maybe $40. My dad wasn't stupid enough to buy it for me no matter how much i begged, kudos to him.

But now $55, thats just insane, unfortunately i see the UFC getting in that range in about 2 years, but I don't plan on paying for any of those cards unless I see a huge increase in payroll as a result.