Prayers for Mark Coleman

My Brother & I were back there when that picture was taken in Columbus. Right before he rag-dolled Rogan.

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Mark Coleman was released from the hospital on Friday and then readmitted the same day after finding out he had pneumonia.

The UFC Hall of Famer was originally admitted to the hospital on Tuesday after saving his parents from a house fire in Fremont, Ohio. Coleman had been staying with his parents when his dog alerted him of a fire in the house. That’s when Coleman sprung into action and carried his parents out of their burning home to safety. Unfortunately, Coleman’s dog, Hammer, did not survive.
As for Coleman, he was promptly airlifted and hospitalized for smoke inhalation and needed a pretty serious surgery on his lungs. Shockingly, Coleman made a quick recovery and was even awake and joking with his daughters on Thursday. Coleman was quite emotional, but just happy to still be alive after saving his parents.

“I’m the happiest man in the world,” Coleman said. “Sweet God, I’m so lucky. I can’t believe my parents are alive. I had to make a decision, because I got out of my room and went to the door and it was already horrible. I couldn’t breathe. I almost had to go outside and I went back in and got them. I can’t believe I got them but I couldn’t find (our dog) Hammer.”


Shit, keep fighting Mark.

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Monster isn’t ready for you, so keep up the fight. You have the entire UG in your corner.

Team Hammer House for life.


I keep a P100 respirator loaded with 3M 60926 filters in case of an emergency like this. I can’t let smoke and toxic gases keep me from saving my furbabies.

I also recommend getting a sticker to put on the bottom of your garage doors and front door. Search amazon or ebay for pet house fire sticker.


Anyone have an update on Mark?

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Coleman got his Pride title back in my house.


his greatest accomplishment

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Waste of time, imo. They’re gonna put the fire out first anyways, they aren’t running into a blaze looking for cats. They probably aren’t even noticing that sticker in a fire like this one.

It sounds like they hosed down this fire before they even got Mark himself out?

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I love Mark Coleman. You don’t go out doing such a heroic act and not make it into Heaven. I was afraid he had fought his last battle and went out on his shield like the hero figure he is. It’s a blessing to have The Hammer with us still. <3<3<3<3

Observing such a powerful event has strengthened my beliefs in the power of prayer and community. :facepunch::facepunch::muscle::muscle:


Amazing how that GofundMe cash helped with a miraculous recovery.


Thoughts and Prayers to Mark and his family. Mark was truly one of the pioneers of the sport. Come on Mark, Pull Through! :pray: :pray:

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Christ gets you into heaven, not deeds. The Bible literally tells you that :heart:

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Let’s hope he pulls through and doesn’t die in the middle of the octagon while presenting the BMF belt at UFC 300 next weekend LOL!!! He’s been out of the hospital and only done 3.95 trillion interviews since he got out you clown’s confetti covered cock :clown_face:

You the man, Mark!

The UFC’s gonna pay the man to present that belt at 300 this weekend :raised_hands:t2::heart::moneybag:

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