Pride needs help with commentators

Bas is good but his partners are always bad... that guy that did inferno couldn't be more boring.. and the guy that did the LHW tourney was awful too. They need to get a really energized, professional, fight educated commentator.


bas and quadros were the best team that pride had...period.....

PRIDE should just have Bas and have one fighter do commentary with Bas.

Bas & the Quad was only improved upon when they had Bas, the Quad, and Maurice during the first grand prix. That was totally fun to listen to.


The pride GP w/ bas, mo, and stephen quadros is the only commentary that has been enjoyable. Pride should have mo, bas and somebody else that's funny but not annoying.

I would like to see Alex Steibling make his debut.

He comes across as a very likable person in interviews and from what I had gathered the Japanees fans generally liked him.

Perry was great, I cant understand why they dropped him.

Get Hendo in there to commentate!

Bas is fun, but sometimes seem biased. He seems to talk like Silva is loosing when he is clearly winning.

Bas and Quadros are the best team IMO - Perry was passable (the total elimination skit where they did shots of "tequila" whilist Perry kept stammering "He's wearing a GI!" was priceless!), but the guy who did Inferno wasn't up to par. He was constantly interrupting Bas and generally making too much of a spectacle of himself.

Bas and Rampage maybe?

I've seen about 90% of the Pride shows that Bas and Quadros did
together. In what way was Quadros biased?


Bas and Blatnick would be good

Bas and Bruce Beck would be good

Call me crazy, but i actually liked that Perry goofball.

Yep Quadros

I say bring Bas and Quadros back together again. At least they were funny.

""He's goin' for a tr-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-uh-uh-uh-uh- uh-uh-uh-uhkuh-kuh-kuh-kuh-kuh-kuh-kuh-kuh-uh- triangle-kuh."

Bas sittin' next to him goin' "Jesus Christ, man!" "

LOL! I can actually picture that