Prolotherapy Update #2/Question

JRSFITNESS1...I will try the gelatin, it can't hurt. Thanks!!

Anybody else have experience with the Human Growth Hormone Presursor?

Gary Hughes

I know someone who is doing that as well... but I think she sees Dr. G. Megan Shields. Its a really interesting therapy and if I had the money, I would also try it. seems to work for alot of people.

Tusken...I think you might find some insurance companies that will cover it now, but most will not.

It is painful, especially in the wrist. The injections have a local pain reliever and I numb myself with a Vicodin before the procedure. My Dr. said the Vicodin can be a good idea, because if you are in a lot of pain, it's hard to keep still. I get to practice on my pain tolerance.

Gary Hughes

Some insurance companies will currently cover the treatment. As it becomes more widespread, better understood and more common, more companies will cover it. Especially since it is often the treatment that eliminates the need for more costly surgery.

Some doctors will use a local injectable anesthetic. However, the injections themselves are really not too painful. It's the following 3-5 days when the pain really sets in. I've never heard of a doctor that did not prescribe pain medication post-injection.

Best in Health and Training, J. R.

Tusken...compared to the pain I have had from my wrist injury, Prolotherapy is nothing. The treatment also doesn't take very long.

JRSFITNESS1...My worst pain is the treatment. My wrist gets a little sore and very swollen the first day, but not much after that. I was expecting more pain after the treatment, but it wasn't as bad as they led me to believe. I take it easy on my wrist for a few days after the treatment. I have had Acupuncture on different parts of my body and the wrist hurts the worst. I have only had Prolo on my wrist, but I suspect it wouldn't hurt as much if it wasn't a bony part of your body, with a lot of nerves.

I started taking the gelatin today.

Gary Hughes

VicMackey...I think pain medication is part of the Prolo, to be taken if needed. Tendinitis is very painful. A week or 2 before I started Prolotherapy, I had to go to the Emergency Room because I didn't have pain medication. When you are on Prolotherapy, you also can't take any anti-inflammatories, such as Advil.

My Vicodin prescriptions last me for several months, depending on if I hurt myself between visits. My Doctor also explained that too much codeine can slow down your healing. I hate Vicodin, it messes up my stomach, but I take it when I need it and for every Prolotherapy appointment.

Gary Hughes

3 X T

Thanks for all the helpful feedback. The UG is a valuable source for information.

Gary Hughes